Facelift pre surgery instructions
- No alcohol or smoking atleast 3 days prior to facelift surgery
- Routine breakfast on the day of facelift surgery
- If you are undergoing conventional facelift,Then no intake of food or liquids 6 hours prior to your surgery
- Its better you wear button and unbutton shirts
- Avoid wearing T shirts on day of facelift
- No makeup on day of your facelift

Facelift post surgery instructions :
- Avoid alcohol and smoking for 1 week after your facelift surgery
- Its better to avoid makeup for atleast 3 to 4 days after your facelift
- Avoid wearing buttoned shirts or T shirts for 1 week
- Very gentle face wash for 1 to 2 weeks
- Medications as advised for 1 week
- Sutures will be removed after 5 to 7 days
- Avoid any physical exercise that exerts pressure on your face
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